The Alchemy of Transformation
In this course you will learn three fundamentals in order to self-regulate, - Resourcing, Pendulation & Titration. These three fundamentals are also the fundamentals of trauma work, to recreate coherence in one’s system. You will learn tools to prevent trauma, and to build a better capacity and resilience to handle the challenges that life brings.
16. 10. - 18. 10. 2020 |
Resourcing is the practice of inviting our body/mind to attune to sensations of goodness and safety. The process of attending to a felt sense of‚ okayness, begins the process of teaching our nervous system that it can experience stress, and then come back to a state of balance and calmness.
Pendulation is the natural pulsation between states of expansion and contraction in the nervous system. A resilient nervous system is one which can move back and forth between alertness and action, and calm and rest without getting stuck at either extreme.This ebb and flow allows the polarities to gradually integrate. It is the holding together of these polarities that facilitate deep integration and often, an alchemical transformation.
Titration means that we slow things down. It is the opposite of stress and trauma where all is too much, too fast, too soon. Less is more, slower is better… Titration also implies stillness, and taking time to notice sensations in the body. It is a training of mindfulness, therefor a great base for meditation.
This course is intended for all who are interested in consolidating internal stability and self-knowledge as well as learning to navigate within one’s own self.