Article about Tantra from Dhyani Maria published in German magazine “Rosarot” in May – June 2003
Mostly Tantra is associated with sexuality. No wonder that Tantra is often reduced to the art of sexual ecstasy, and in so-called Tantra Love Schools it is all about erotics!
In fact, Tantra is a mystical path that includes life in all its facets. Tantra teaches us to trust our natural energies and to stay true to our senses. It does not reject our body and senses, but uses them for the self-realization and development of our potential. Tantra says, “Do not fight against anything, do not fight with your body, with your feelings, nor with your sexuality. On the contrary, let yourself be carried from these basic energies to higher levels of your consciousness! „
Tantra is a unique spiritual journey that teaches an openness to all that life brings: joy, pain, ecstasy or sadness. Tantra makes no difference between men and women, between sex and enlightenment, but uses the naturalness of opposites. It is a union between the material and the spiritual world. It challenges us to live a natural life, to develop ourselves with open minds and at the same time to deepen the connection with our inner source. Simply, to stand on the ground with both feet and simultaneously unfold both of our wings.
On this path, it is important to get to know yourself better and to learn to trust your natural energy. The more you know yourself, the more you grow the potential for deeper meeting and more fulfilling relationships with other people, the more satisfying the partnership and sexuality becomes. It is important to be in touch with ones own needs, to be able to communicate those and to be receptive to the needs of others.
How are Tantra seminars taking place in which one can learn all this?
The Tantra Seminar is about self-discovery. For this we use methods such as meditation, movement, breath, dance and touch. Sensuality creates life, and senses can become gates for perception. Apparent separation can dissolve and can be recognized as an illusion.
What can one learn in Tantra seminars?
A Tantra Seminar is about self-discovery. For this methods are used such as meditation, movement, breath, dance and touch. Sensuality brings aliveness, and senses can become gates for perception. Apparent separation can dissolve and can be recognized as an illusion
Tantra seminars are suitable for people who have no experience in meditation or self-awareness, as well as for advanced meditators who want to try a lively, human and loving approach to themselves.