Awakening Your Senses
“In your body, there exists a subtle current of electricity, very subtle. But the subtler it is, the deeper it goes. It is not very visible. Scientists say that all the electricity that is in your body, if put together, can be used to light a five-candle bulb. It is not much. Quantitatively it is not much, quantitatively the atom is not much, but qualitatively… If it explodes, it has tremendous energy in it.“
Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Vol. 1, Talk #8
16.10. - 18.10. 2020 |
Hotel Kopanice, Žítková
Awakening Your Senses
In ‚Awakening to your Senses‘ your very energy that Osho is referring to, is awakened. How do we do that? By awakening your senses so that all of your senses can become a door, - to yourself, to the divine, to that tremendous energy within yourself.
We activate the energy of love, the spirit of celebration & the flow of life by various meditations, breathing exercises, mindfulness & group processes.
You will also learn how to access this tremendous energy in yourself in a safe way, so that it does not overwhelm you. By learning to access this energy in you piece by piece, bite by bite, it will be integrated into your system. You learn to move with any energy that you come across in your life. Then all energies become a bridge to presence, love and simply being awake.
„You are a great mystery of many multidimensional energies. Accept it, and move with every energy with deep sensitivity, with awareness, with love, with understanding. Move with it! Then every desire becomes a vehicle to move beyond it. Then every energy becomes a help. And then this very world is Nirvana, this very body is a temple - a holy temple, a holy place.“
Osho, The Book of secrets
„You are a great mystery of many multidimensional energies. Accept it, and move with every energy with deep sensitivity, with awareness, with love, with understanding. Move with it! Then every desire becomes a vehicle to move beyond it. Then every energy becomes a help. And then this very world is Nirvana, this very body is a temple - a holy temple, a holy place.“
Osho, The Book of secrets