Individual sessions in Meditation

I invite you to share a cup of tea with me, exploring different meditation techniques, of how your own life can be used as a datum to work from and how to integrate meditation into you daily life.
If you are interested in scheduling your individual session with me, just contact me via email or phone and we will find a suitable date and time.

What is Meditation

Meditation is a living experience of life, not limited to some esoteric practise which takes place sitting on a mat covered in some mystical aura. It is not a spiritual aspirin to be taken to escape from life but a datum from which all of life is seen.
In its use here, we view meditation as a mirror of self-reflection of the experience of life as it is happening, a self observation of thoughts arising. It teaches us the reality of mind and more importantly, as we later will understand, it teaches us that the separate nature of self is an illusion.

Meditation in daily life

In order to meditate and to know about the mysteries of life, we do not need to go into a monastery or retreat. Whatever circumstances we live in, whether it is being a mother or a manager, whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, that is the vehicle for waking up. You do not need to first become successful or wise. Successful, or unsuccessful, whatever it is and whoever you are, that is your vehicle for waking up.

What is the good news of it all? You don’t need to change your life. You can, you may, but at the same time why not relax with what is? And enjoy the process of life, learning and growing…and be curious of what you discover!

I invite you to share a cup of tea with me, exploring different meditation techniques, of how your own life can be used as a datum to work from and how to integrate meditation into you daily life.