Awakening Intensive
This is a minimum 3-day residential process which has its roots in the tradition of Zen and in meditation. You will be working with the essential questions (koans) like “Who is in?” or “Who am I?”.
The structure of this process is designed to enable you to have a direct experience of self in a relative short time.
Awakening Intensive
This is a minimum 3-day residential process (up to 7 days), which has its roots in the tradition of Zen and in meditation, but is at the same time applying the principle of western therapy. The structure of this process is designed to enable you to have a direct experience of self in a relative short time. You will learn a radical technique, which may show you your inner truth and at the same time will help you to understand more about your relating to others.
You will be working with the essential questions (koans) like “Who is in?” or “Who am I?”. The existentional questions can not be answered through the mind. In the afford to communicate what you are finding, you will be recognizing the unability to answer the koan intellectualy and at the same time you will be experiencing yourself like a direct and truthful answer.
The koans function like a mirror in which the explorer will see the reflexion of his/herself When the mirror gets clearer from the dust of the past you start to relate more in a more clear and relaxed way. You start to recognize the master of your life inside you and you will see yourself as the only creator of your reality.
Paradise and hell are not two different worlds somewhere out there. Those are two worlds which we are constantly creating by the state of our awareness. If you want to be happy you do not need to change yourself or the people which are close to you. The only thing what you need to do is to get to know yourself. ‘Who am I?’.
The whole retreat will take place in silence, which will support the concentration on your inner exploration. The structure also consists of active and passive meditations, which will help you to go through different layers of your personality until you come to the core of your being, your true nature.
You may for the first time in your life find out what unconditional love means and how to relate to others in a state of fulfilment and completion. On this journey you will find out that you are the greatest mystery existing and you may get totally excited about the fact that you are alive.